Lineman Competitions featuring the FlipSled
Lone Star Lineman Challenge:
The Lone Star Lineman Challenge is the oldest lineman competition in the state of Texas. Starting in 2005, the challenge has hosted high school lineman from all over Texas. Every year this competition continues to grow. This year's competition hosted challenges at 6 different high schools throughout Texas. The competition features different events including the FlipSled Tire Flip, the FlipSled Team Sled Push and the FlipSled Pancake. These challenges create a competitive environment for local high school linemen to compete. Check out the highlights!
West Covina:
West Covina High School in California hosted 47 local high school linemen teams at the 13th Annual Lineman Competition this summer. The competition is one of the greatest in the state and continues to grow every year. Coaches and teams of all levels were amazed at the instant feedback the FlipSled gave their players as it challenged their power and speed. The FlipSled was used in the competition for tire flips and team sled pushes. Check out the highlights below!
Michigan Lineman Olympics:

34 high school football teams showed up for the second year of the Michigan Lineman Olympics at Stoney Brook High School in Brookfield, MI. At the competition, the lineman used the FlipSled in a tire flip relay where teams of 8 linemen raced to complete a relay race. Each lineman completed 4 tire flips (2 down and 2 back). The event challenged these linemenβs brute strength and power!
The FlipSled is a perfect fit for these lineman competitions. Alongside tug of war competitions, med ball throws, bench presses, and relay races, FlipSled events really increased the level of competition. These events created challenging and powerful competitions that allowed linemen to shine! These athletes put their skills and strength to the test and we loved being a part of it.
Read more about the environments at high school linemen competitions!