
5 Football Motivational Quotes After a Tough Loss

Oct 19, 2022 9:00:00 PM

What to Say After a Tough Loss

It can be hard to find the right words after a tough loss. Your players have put in the hard work, the hours, and the commitment but just didn't get it done on the field. Every coach struggles to find the right words in those moments, but these tough losses can also be the most important. Setbacks are often the biggest motivators. After a long season, you look back and remember the tough times that inspired greatness. Take control of these losses and use them as motivation for your team. Here are some quotes to help you motivate your team in these tough moments:

1) "A CHAMPION is simply someone who did NOT give up when they wanted to."--Tom Landry

It is so easy for young players to only focus on the mistakes and losses. Help your players remember the success, breakthroughs, and good times. Allow your team to remember their strengths and use them to their advantage. There is always room for improvement and growth, but if you don't capitalize on your players' strengths then you can't succeed. 

2) "LEARN…. Everyone gets beat.. but why did we.. without pointing fingers, etc. self evaluate, did you do all you could?" --Coach Sneddon

Ask the important questions! Force your players to reflect and learn from their mistakes. Create a culture of self-evaluation and growth. Film and critique are great teaching tools to break down the errors and mistakes that happen. Teach your players and coaches to have a growth mindset! 

Football Sled Film Session                                    Joe Thomas, former NFL Lineman, reviewing film with current college and professional lineman at Brute O-line development Camp

3) Losing doesn't make me want to quit, it makes me want to FIGHT that much HARDER"--Bear Bryant, 

Let the loss inspire you to the next game or practice. A growth mindset allows your players to view setbacks or losses as motivation. Set the standard with a loss. How do you react and respond? That's how your players will act too! 

4) Life is TEN percent what happens to you, and NINETY percent how you respond to it. -- Lou HoltzThe

Response to a loss is the most important! You can't always control what happens on the field but you can control how you respond to it! Keep getting back up after you get knocked down. That's the only way to improve and grow from a loss. 

5) "In order to WIN the game, you must first not LOSE it."--Chuck Noll

You can't win a game if you beat yourself. Remind your team to focus on themselves and perfect their game before they worry about another team. Set the standard that the small things matter. The penalties and mistakes only hurt you! Take care of those first then focus on the opposing team. 

Finish Strong

Giving up is never an option. Take control of this football season. All the hours in the preseason have led to this movement. Make those hours of preparation count!  Young football players always have room to improve. Push your players towards success by knowing what to say in the hard moments. A Loss is only motivation and growth! 


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