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Football Team Drill: FlipSled Tire Relay

Nov 5, 2023 12:00:00 AM

FlipSled Tire Relay : Team Drill  

Joel Nellis is a name synonymous with football excellence in Wisconsin. Currently serving as the head coach at a prominent high school in the state, Nellis brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the field. His credibility as a football coach is underscored by his own impressive background as a player, having donned the colors of the University of Wisconsin during his college years. It was there that he honed his skills alongside legendary teammates like Joe Thomas, an experience that undoubtedly contributed to his deep understanding of the game.

Joel Nellis and his team use the The FlipSled Tire Relay to train quick and explosive movements in a team setting. In this drill, a group of players line up behind the FlipSled. One player completes three FlipSled Tire Flips before the next player steps up and completes the next three flips. The FlipSled Tire Relay gets the whole time involved all the way down the field. Watch drill below ⤵️


Check out more quick hitting FlipSled Drills below: 

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