Lineman Challenge
We are excited to share that we attended the 17th annual Lone Star Lineman challenge inGrand Saline, Texas. This event featured over 300 high school offensive and defensive linemen competing in team events. The Texas high school lineman utilized the FlipSled for team sled pushes. The team sled pushes allowed for more lineman to be working at once time. Putting four players on the FlipSled opens up the opportunity to move entire offensive and defensive units with maximum efficiency and purpose while inviting more competitive and innovative drill options.

The Lineman also used the FlipSled to compete in pancake relays. The Pancake forces athletes to explode through the top of the move, finishing it completely. At the end of the movement, which is where it counts if you are throwing anything, the power output is 6x greater with the FlipSled than traditional "press" movements.
We loved watching these linemen compete with the FlipSled! Check out some highlights from the event ⤵️
The Lone Star Lineman Challenge used the FS-200. The FS-200 is our most popular FlipSled model for high school athletes. The FS-200 finds the happy medium between size and weight for most football teams that plan to incorporate both individual and team workouts with the sled.

Compare the FS-100, FS-200, and FS-300 to maximize your team's training needs ⤵️